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As we continue with the import and distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other medical supplies into the United States, we see trends, research, and other helpful information we’d like to pass along to our communities and clients as they make purchasing decisions.

Here are our latest updates on the state of PPE for August 2020.

Idaho Goes Back to School

Around the nation and in many Idaho school districts, students are beginning the fall semester — although classes look a bit different than in years past. Some schools are re-opening for in-person instruction, others are beginning the year fully online, and still others are adopting a hybrid model. To strengthen reopening efforts, the Coronavirus Financial Advisory Committee approved $50 million for COVID-19 testing in Idaho and PPE for public schools. Many states continue seeking PPE for these purposes, as well.

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Advancements in Science and Technology

Organizations continue to prioritize advancements in technology that can improve the efficacy and convenience of PPE. For example, reusable, air-filtering CX9 and X7 masks have been launched. Additionally, a vaccine has been fast-tracked in Russia, although it has not yet been heavily tested. Trials are to move forward with 40,000 people next week. The World Health Organization (WHO) is in talks with the country to obtain more information.

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What to do With Used PPE?

As significant amounts of PPE are ordered, used, and discarded, there are growing concerns about the negative impacts of this waste. Not only can used PPE pose a contamination risk to others, it presents a danger to the environment, especially when improperly disposed of. Tackling this waste may prove to be a long-term battle. Additionally, a promising new (peer-reviewed) COVID-19 study shows disposed PPE could be turned into renewable liquid fuels.

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“You know there’s this old expression: It’s not brain surgery... well, this is brain surgery.” —Don Bush, SMHeuristics Advisor

On Wednesday, July 31st, SMHeuristics signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Taiwanese biotechnology company, Brain Navi. The signing of this document, a “celebration and a beginning” according to SMHeuristics Advisor and event emcee Don Bush, was “the first of many that you’re going to see over the next several months and years.”

By partnering with an innovative company like Brain Navi, SMHeuristics is bridging the gap between Boise and Taiwan.

In 2018, Brain Navi’s product, NaoTrac, a robotic-assisted surgical system for brain surgery with autopilot navigation, performed it’s first in-human trial and has gone on to complete seven other successful brain surgeries. The device combines AI, machine vision, and robotic technology to provide a procedural solution for surgical planning, precise anatomical location of the patient, and accurate handling of instruments.

“Our device can act like an assistant for the surgeon which can help the surgeon standardize the operation and provide a higher degree of accuracy throughout the surgery,” says Dr. Jerry Chen, CEO of Brain Navi.

Brain Navi is at the forefront of introducing groundbreaking technology in neurosurgery, and Dr. Chen says that these exciting advancements can be used “not only in brain surgery, but also cardiovascular, orthopedics, and others.” NaoTrac has the potential to make a significant impact on success rates for intricate surgeries, and SMHeuristics is ready to help them reach that goal.

Over the last year, SMHeuristics has grown its relationships with other Taiwanese businesses. Thanks to development efforts, we are now actively assisting these companies as they enter U.S. markets. In the months and years ahead, we are focusing our efforts on commercialization, sales, and marketing. “To do this, the only way to succeed is through relationships,'' says SMHeuristics CEO Derik Ellis. By establishing these relationships, we are opening the door to new opportunities — not only for Taiwanese companies and SMH, but also for the local community. As we continue to grow, we look forward to the possibilities.

This growth will likely entail creating new Treasure-Valley-based offices for these companies looking to expand their professional footprint, which will in turn create more jobs in the area.

We are thrilled to partner with Brain Navi, and more negotiations are underway to strengthen business relationships between Idaho and Taiwan. Later this year, SMHeuristics executives will accompany Idaho Governor Brad Little on a trade mission to Taiwan.

This is just the beginning of an incredible opportunity for SMHeuristics, Brain Navi, and the Treasure Valley as a whole, and we look forward to growing together.


Have you seen us in the news? You may have spotted SMHeuristics featured in the Idaho Business Review last week for our ongoing business development efforts in Taiwan.

This might be the first you’ve heard of it, but for several months, the entire team at SMHeuristics has been busy preparing for our most recent visit to Taipei City. (As any company that has expanded their service offering into the international market knows, frequent trips like these are a must.) When we learned that Idaho Governor Brad Little’s first official trade mission to Taiwan would be happening around the same time, we rearranged our itinerary to be able to join his delegation. During this historic event, we were invited to attend as Idaho delegates, along with a handful of other companies (including one of our clients, SGW Designworks).

While in Taiwan, our goal was to reinforce our existing relationships with clients while furthering business development efforts abroad. And we are pleased to say the visit was a success. Here are some of the highlights.


As you might imagine, our week in Taiwan was a whirlwind — packed with back-to-back meetings, facility tours, and MOU signings.

Perhaps the most elaborate of the events we attended was the Signing Ceremony of MOU on Industrial Cooperation. Throughout the ceremony, we were amazed by the extensive number of awards and acknowledgements offered, not to mention the thorough press coverage of the event. (There was no shortage of flashing cameras — needless to say, we felt like celebrities.)

During this event, several delegates presented to the crowd, and we were pleased to have a few minutes to share our business philosophy with attendees. At the end of the night, we were both tired and inspired. Most of all, we appreciated the attention to detail that went into planning this impressive ceremony.


Our agenda for this trip also put us at the heart of one of Taiwan’s most innovative incubation networks. SMHeuristics CEO and Co-Founder Derik Ellis was invited to provide a sales and marketing presentation at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) Biotech Incubation Center (BIC) in NanKang. At the event, Derik spoke in detail about pre-sales positioning for Taiwanese clients entering the U.S. market.

NTUST BIC aims to “empower small and medium size companies and startup businesses” and “promote international innovation and entrepreneurship.” Speaking at this business incubator was the first of what will likely be many educational opportunities for participating businesses. We look forward to providing our expertise to these growing companies in the months and years ahead.


Another event we were privileged to attend was the Idaho Business Reception (designed for delegates of the governor’s trade mission).

This special event was hosted by the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the Idaho Department of Commerce, and gave delegates an opportunity to present a number of Taiwan-based organizations with Valued-Partner Awards.

During the event, SMHeuristics nominated the following:

  • AIT — with Director William Brent Christensen accepting the award

  • NTUST — with Vice President Day-Yang Liu accepting the award


Even amidst the pageantry, we made it a priority to nurture our existing customer base in Taiwan. This often entailed factory tours and meetings, where we were able to witness company operations firsthand.

For instance, we made time to visit our manufacturing client Jetton Biochemistry Co., and were highly impressed by their commitment to quality. We also had an opportunity to step behind the scenes during our visit to Caduceus Biotechnology Inc., one of several clients in the healthcare space, as well as at the facilities of tech giant Nexcom. It was also a privilege to see how a connection we facilitated has developed: we paid a visit to Taiwan-based Megaforce alongside Boise-based SGW Designworks — two of our clients who have developed a meaningful partnership and will continue to work together in the years ahead.


Looking forward, we believe the opportunities ahead are virtually limitless. For example, our official partnership with Taiwanese technology company OwlTing will be instrumental in amplifying their impact in the United States.

Led by CEO Darren Wang, OwlTing is at the forefront of creating blockchain-based business solutions. The company will recruit the needed talent and bring his line of blockchain technology to U.S.-based industries through the distribution channels and relationships developed through SMHeuristics. This is just one example of the clients we are working closely with as they continue to bring intelligent solutions to market.

As SMHeuristics continues to grow our business into markets abroad, we appreciate the hard work of those who help smooth transitions and streamline communication. Among these, we’d like to offer a special thank you to Eddie Yen with the Idaho-Asia Trade Office for his continued efforts and support in helping Idaho-based organizations like us succeed as we do business in Taiwan.


222 North 13th Street, Boise, ID 83702  |   208.487.5878 

Sales and Marketing Heuristics LLC,

DBA Vessel An Idaho LLC Established 2017

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